
What is the mind?

We were lying on the bed when Wiktor asked,

“What exactly is the mind?”

“The mind is energy stored both outside your body and within the cells of your body.”

“What is it for?”

“It creates.”

“What does it create?”

“Your life experience.”

He glanced at Marcel, who was sitting by the table, holding onto anger because Aliya… had touched him!

“You see, the mind alone can’t create a beautiful life, it needs guidance. It has to be connected to the body,” I added.


“Because the Soul speaks to the body, and the body speaks to the mind. We need to train the mind to listen to the body. That’s why we constantly bring it back to the body, to its feelings, and glue them together with the power of Loving Breath.”

He looked at Marcel again.

“Marcel’s mind is disconnected right now, and it’s driving him crazy. His mind just wants to sit in anger and blame. It’s detached from his body, and he’s not enjoying it at all,” I explained.

“So, the mind needs to be connected to the body?” Wiktor repeated.

“Yes. Do you remember when you manifested the Tesla ride? You made it happen! You love Tesla so much and have been feeling every day as if you’d already driven one, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I have,” he said, with such a joyful smile.

“It was YOU who created that – the real You. The beautiful, magnificent You. You used your mind, thoughts, feelings, and your body to experience that Tesla ride. And it happened so quickly! It was incredible!”

He smiled, and his joy was so contagious that Marcel finally came over to us for a cuddle.

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