
Lizard hunt

Marcel had been trying to catch a Tasmanian skink lizard, which moves very quickly and hides in fallen timber. He was so patient and focused, and eventually, he caught one. He was over the moon. It was a truly touching moment for me and Sylwester, as Marcel was radiating love and joy. He was so happy that he even gently cuddled the lizard with his cheek, but it ran away shortly after.

On the drive back home, Marcel was passionately and graciously talking about holding the lizard. Suddenly, I realised it was the perfect opportunity to ground those joyful energies in his body, so I asked:

“Hey, where in your body do you feel that joy right now?”

He paused, focused on his body for a moment, and started pointing at his throat, before moving down to his chest.

“Here”, he said.

“Now take a deep breath into that space, so you can meet even more animals very soon!”

He took a very quick breath into his heart. My mind immediately, and judgmentally thought, He didn’t do that properly! But then I looked at him, and he shouted with a huge smile, arms spread wide:

‘Wow! I’m feeling even more joy now!’

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