
An Iceberg

Wiktor and I were alone in the room, lying on the bed. He wanted to tell me something. He said that some memories had been coming back to him, and he didn’t like them. Wiktor is usually introverted, so I knew instantly that this must be something significant for him. I took a few gentle, deep breaths to stabilize myself.

He managed to talk about the first thing, which was connected to me. I guided him through an Energy Codes process called “Take it to the Body”, and we both embraced what we felt. By the end, we experienced joy and openness together. However, he couldn’t talk about the second thing, which was connected to Sylwester. He felt a huge lump in his throat, and every time he tried to speak, he broke down crying and became stuck. I just knew that saying it out loud to me was crucial for his self-evolution.

I waited, and waited… and waited. Eventually, I started feeling hopeless. My mind didn’t know how to support him anymore. It was as if my ability to be there for him was slipping away. I felt like I might start crying with him! But then, I caught myself. I realized that this wasn’t the real me — it was just my disconnected mind reacting. I quickly shifted my focus back to the body, to the tension I felt in my stomach, and I started breathing gently through it. Within seconds, I found myself back in a place of trust, patience, and the knowing that everything would be okay.

As soon as I reached that inner peace, he spoke. He poured everything out and cried. I was in awe of his vulnerability and courage to express himself. He had taken a massive step! I knew it was a beautiful beginning for our family, and especially for him. Once he stopped crying, I looked at him with all my love and a big, affirming smile.

“Where do you feel it in your body?” I asked.

He concentrated and replied,

“In my throat.”

“How does it feel there? Is it nice?” I continued.

“It’s not nice.”

“Is it tense? Does it feel like you have a stone in your throat?”

“It feels like an iceberg,” he said.

“An iceberg!” I exclaimed, delighted by his description. “Okay, we’re going to melt this iceberg with the power of loving breath. How about that?”

He nodded.

“What colour should the loving breath be?” I asked.

“Pink,” he said.

“Alright, focus on the iceberg in your throat. When you’re ready, start breathing and send that loving breath into the iceberg!”

He began breathing, and I joined him. After only two breaths, I asked,

“Has it changed?”

He smiled and said,

“Yes, but there’s still some left.”

We started using our imaginations to figure out what else we could use to lovingly melt it. We had so much fun and laughed together. In the end, he melted the leftover pieces of the iceberg by imagining the engine of his favourite Tesla car in his throat!

The joy we felt throughout the process and the end of it was indescribable. The love and connection between us were immense! And it was all thanks to Wiktor. I was just guiding him. He could have said no, but instead, he went all in. He embraced the process completely and felt his own empowerment. He was beaming with light.

“You’re a master! Do you know that? You just melted this iceberg with love all by yourself!” I spoke.

The smile he gave me said it all.

“How does it feel in your throat right now?” I asked.

“The iceberg is gone. There’s nothing left,” he replied.

We laughed and hugged for ages in one of the purest moments of joy I have ever experienced


A Note to All Mums

This is how powerful we are just by stabilizing our own systems. Our inner state has an immediate effect on our children’s emotional field. When we take care of ourselves— meaning by bringing the mind’s attention to the vibration of love and feeling it in the body —our children benefit instantly. By emanating peace, patience, compassion, love, joy, and gratitude, we create an environment that supports their growth. The more we nourish ourselves on the inside, the more we nourish them as well.






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