Energy Codes
‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I can’t do it’, ‘There is something wrong with me’, ‘I don’t belong’, ‘I’m too tired’, ‘I need a rest but I have so much to do’, ‘I must try hard’, ‘I’m not creative’, ‘I will do it wrong’, ‘I don’t deserve this’, ‘I need to control everything’, ‘I don’t have energy to play with my children’, ‘I don’t have energy to get up in the morning’, ‘My body aches’, ‘I constantly clean the house’, ‘I live in a total mess’, ‘I suffer from migraines’, ‘I’ve been suffering from a chronic disease’, ‘I JUST have enough!’, ‘I want everybody to leave me in peace’, ‘I can’t live like that anymore’, ‘I want someone to switch me off’ – do any of these statements sound familiar to you? Or perhaps there are also some other statements installed in you which are playing in the background of your head nearly all day long? Almost all of us can name those easily!
We were taught from the very beginning of our arrival here on planet Earth to put our attention on everything that we did ‘wrong’, to ‘be someone in someone else’s eyes’. What about if we never did anything wrong? If there was no ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ but just experiences we went through which were meant to be. To awaken us to our boundless potential, so that we could recognize our greatness.
We built a society where living in the head has become so normal for us that at some point we just accepted it as part of our nature. We get exhausted by our mind trying to figure out everything and we think that’s the way we are meant to live. I am here to tell you that THERE IS ANOTHER WAY, and it is much more in alignment with the True Essence that we are. This path is filled with awe, inspiration, empowerment, joy, laughter, creativity, freedom and trust.
The Energy Codes created by Dr Sue Morter, are powerful practices that enable us to work underneath the story of the mind. Instead of it, we work with pure, raw energy by connecting mind, body, and breath together. I can guarantee you that when you passionately incorporate those practices into your daily life, you will have changes, outcomes, and experiences that your mind alone has never dreamt of.
We came here to master our creation – our life, from the inside out and it’s what this deep work is about. It focuses on embodying The Greater Love which makes life so rich!
Every issue is a circuitry issue. Through The Energy Codes processes I will gradually and lovingly guide you how to build circuits and embrace ALL parts of you, get into the feeling of wholeness and embody it. As a byproduct you will suddenly feel so good on the inside that the outer world will start mirroring it to you. Things will come easily to you, and you will look at the challenging experiences from a totally different perspective. Not as a victim but as a creator. You will recognize them as an opportunity for growth.
I’ve been totally devoted to The Energy Codes work which has been transforming my life tremendously. I am The Energy Codes Certified Coach, The Energy Coach Certified Facilitator, and The Energy Codes Remote Healing Graduate.
It would be my great pleasure to take you gently by hand and show you another way that will truly empower and deepen the connection with your Self. What I love about The Energy Codes is that they are so simple yet so potent. And that you will not be dependent on me at all, I will just help you sense and feel the treasure chest that is inside you. It’s always been there, patiently waiting for you to discover and begin using it. That treasure chest is, in fact, YOU.
Shall we begin?
For each session the cost is £80 per hour.
A block of 6 weekly or fortnightly sessions costs £440.
Would you like to talk more about how we can work together first?
Book a free 15-minute coaching call by using the form or email me using the following address

My Story
If I had to describe how I used to live in just one word, it would be “exhaustion”. I had been exhausted nearly all my life. I never felt good enough, and I always tried to fill that gap by overdoing and overgiving. I believed that I only had worth if I helped others feel better.
As a young mother of three little kids, I was obsessed with keeping the house clean and taking care of them, always worrying about their future, such as their education and socializing with other kids. I continuously feared, “What if I did something wrong?” Anxiety ran my life to the extent that I had trouble falling asleep and kept waking up during the night.
Getting up in the morning was a struggle, and as soon as I woke up, I just wanted the day to be over. I felt drained and alone.
I suffered from severe migraines with blurred vision and excruciating stomach aches. My hair was really falling out, and I had an extreme amount of dandruff. My body ached from head to toe, and eventually, it broke down with a chronic disease called rosacea.
I started feeling like a real burden, and I believed my kids, husband, and the whole world would be better off without me. Suicidal thoughts crept into my mind daily. I constantly felt heavy, frustrated, and helpless. I felt an enormous amount of shame about how I looked – my whole face covered in huge red spots. My skin was painful, itchy, and burning. But I held onto one strong belief, ever since I was a child, that we have the ability to heal ourselves. So I gathered all my strength and began delving deep inside myself. Though I doubted myself many times along the way, I didn’t use any pharmaceutical creams or medical treatments. I tried diets, fasting, acupuncture, herbs, even a device with healing frequencies, but none made any difference to my physical and mental health.
I started meditating and delving into books from which I gained knowledge to support my spiritual growth. In 2021 I began having weekly sessions with my first angel coach, Georgie Holbrook, whose empathy, and wisdom supported me immensely. When I felt it was time for new experiences, I participated in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Week-Long Advanced Retreat in London, which brought about various inner openings. I enrolled in many online courses led by Marci Shimoff, Anita Moorjani, Mei-lan Maurits, Lisa Nichols, Shelly Lefkoe, Brothers Koren, to name just a few.
I began living more in harmony with myself and others, but it was in 2023 when I fully immersed myself in a year-long program called Live Awake, created by Dr. Sue Morter, where I finally started embracing instead of resisting. I finally started… breathing and gradually experiencing the abundance of life. The abundance that I am, and that we all are. I became so passionate about the Energy Codes work that within the same year, I certified as an EC Facilitator, EC Coach, and graduated as an EC Remote Healer.
Currently I am more vital and inspired to create than ever before. I get up at early in the morning, before the kids wake up, filled with gratitude to start my day. I love bathing myself in the vibration of joy, gratitude, and love. I laugh and smile more, and keep meeting lovely people in my world. I stopped drowning in frustration. I started trusting and swimming with the flow of life, whatever situations it brings me. The practices of Energy Codes opened up my system, activating a more potent flow of the Universe through me. The infusion and embodiment of the Loving Presence in this work are indescribable. And what excites me is that there is always more! The Universe is a never-ending stream of supply of anything we could dream of if we let It do so!
Today I can say that I no longer run away from myself. What’s even more, I am able to fill my mind with love. I lean into it whenever it experiences anger, sadness, self-criticism, fear, or anything else. I warmly welcome all energies within myself. I love my mind back into wholeness, into ME, as I know it is where it belongs and where it is truly happy. Sometimes it takes just minutes, sometimes hours, sometimes days until the mind is integrated. But there is always freedom on the flip side.
Gradually, my body began to heal, and my relationships started to change. It’s been a winding road over the past couple of years, where I’ve been discovering myself layer after layer. The rosacea, which I cursed for so long, has been one of my greatest teachers. It led me to parts of myself I didn’t even know existed. Instead of rejecting and judging myself, I started embracing all aspects of who I am with love and acceptance.
Marianna Saida