

Behind the Scenes – The Pathway to Book Birth of

'The Answer is in Your Heart'

The entire adventure of creating the book was truly magical, and it was beyond my wildest dreams to think it would happen in my life. This is the short story of how it all began:

In August 2022, I went to London to join Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Advanced Week Long Retreat. The ballroom was filled with about 2,500 people who had come together to focus on changing their lives through meditation. My only intention for the event was to love myself on a deeper level. It was the first time in 9 years that I was away from my children for so many days – a big step for me!

I must say, from day 2, I had incredible and truly touching moments in nearly every meditation. During the 3rd day, in the morning Blessing of the Energy Centres meditation, I had an experience that opened my heart so profoundly that I still can’t find the words to describe what I felt at that moment. I connected to the Love within and around me that was ever so graceful and unconditional. It was so immense that my body was shaking all the time, absorbing it into every cell of my being.

A few days after returning home from London, a sudden inspiration was born in me to write a book for children based on that incredible opening I had during the retreat. I’d been having a desire to start creating something special about spirituality for children, mainly because I couldn’t find much of it for my own kids. Various ideas kept coming to my mind throughout the year, but none resonated with me as deeply as the concept for this book.


I had never written a book before, and I never expected I would write one, not even in my mother language! I remember being filled with so much excitement and joy while I was writing it. The words were simply pouring out of me as if someone was giving them to me. That was just the beginning of the awe of creating this book, I didn’t even have to search long for an amazing illustrator either!


Marys Dudelewicz’s work appeared on my screen one day, and I knew in an instant that she was the one. When I found out that she is from Poland, my home country, I was thrilled to be able to communicate with her in Polish. As soon as she read the manuscript, she fell in love with it, and she was so eager to illustrate the book that she gave me a significant discount. The amount of money was still considerable for us, but my husband told me that several days before I found Marys, he took out a loan, and he had no clue why he did it. So, we had the money!


Marys started meditating daily to tune more into the main character of the book. She had never meditated before. She went 200% in her commitment to bring life to the story of ‘The Answer is in Your Heart’ through the colours of her pencils. She said that in her 25 years of drawing career, she had never felt so moved and connected while illustrating our book. She felt my and her ancestors accompanying her in the process. Her life started changing, and she is still meditating up until this day.


‘The Answer is in Your Heart’ was born out of love, and we both had the intention that whoever holds it in their hands will feel it. But especially the children.


I trust that reading this book together with children will begin new dialogs in your family, will open up fresh perspectives, and perhaps inspire you to start meditating together even if it’s just for a few minutes now and then.


I hope you will enjoy,




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