
Boat Harbour Beach

On our first sunny day in Tasmania, we headed to the nearby Boat Harbour Beach. The beach ranks among the top ten most beautiful beaches in all of Australia and was just a 7–8-minute drive from our home. Getting to the beach involves a steep slope with picturesque houses and views of the bay.

Photo: View from the road at Boat Harbour Beach

Our first visit here was particularly memorable due to the ‘hurricane’ like conditions. On the beach, children couldn’t walk against the wind; sand was blowing into their eyes and hitting their legs so hard that they all screamed in pain. After 15 minutes, we literally had to head back home.

Photo: Hurricane at Boat Harbour Beach

Following visits to Boat Harbour Beach turned out to be far more enjoyable. The views and atmosphere of the beach are unforgettable. The sea had a turquoise colour, the water’s edge was sandy and shallow, perfect for children. Although the water was quite cold, it didn’t stop us from swimming. Later, one of the neighbours revealed to us that the water temperature at Boat Harbour is several degrees lower than at nearby beaches like Sisters Beach.

The beach was peaceful; we usually only encountered small groups of people, sometimes a busload of students would arrive, but it didn’t significantly affect the atmosphere. We felt like we were in paradise, surrounded by beautiful hillside views, the sound of waves, azure waters, and a rocky coastline on one side. The beach was clean, and nearby were regular toilets with running water, as well as a cafe.

Photo: Boat Harbour Beach

We had our first attempt at getting into the water; the boys immediately wanted to dive in, while Aliya and Marianka were happy sunbathing on towels. For Marianka, it was still a bit too cold, with the air temperature around 20°C, and there was also a cool breeze blowing. Aliya, on the other hand, was afraid of sharks 😊, which of course aren’t there. After a few minutes, we finally got ourselves into the water. The boys, of course, did it much earlier; it took me a little longer.

Photo: Swimming at Boat Harbour Beach in icy water

Later, even Marianka joined us to dip her feet and she had a great time.

Photo: Marianka dips her feet at Boat Harbour Beach

There was also a cafe on the beach where we tried our first ice creams in Tasmania. The servings were huge, similar of those served in the UK. Tasmanian ice cream scoops were about 2-3 times larger than the tiny scoops we usually have in Poland.

Photo: Ice creams at Boat Harbour Beach

Marianka and I needed to book more apartments in Tasmania, while the children played on the playground.

Photo: Wiktor and Marcel testing the playground at Boat Harbour Beach






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